Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have Fallen

I love you, all of you, but open your eyes. If these are the last words from me to you, then let them be the truth that will ultimately set you free. You likely know me as the quiet guy from school. Some know the unfortunate truth that I am not quiet once you know me. I say the following knowing I may lose you. Know that and please understand how hard this is for me because of that. I regret that, but I cannot lose you to something else even more and so I will spell it all out.

I’m sorry for what we must endure. Im so very sorry for the people that do not see that we are about to endure anything at all and who may condemn me for saying we will and for the truth bombs I am about to unleash. Know that I care about you all the same.

He’s bonkers and evil. He’s a narcissist that knows how to manipulate people and he is surrounded by others that are using him to get them into positions where they can destroy everything we have. Steven Miller, the twisted little wannabe Nazi not the least of them. Some of you know what narcissism is and how good they are at manipulation. History shows the world has been sent to war by their sway. Please open your eyes at least to the possibility you have been deceived so that you can be able to come out of his influence. I cannot bring you out of it. I know that. Only you can do that. I know you will resist what I am saying. You do not have to believe what I say, just open your eyes enough to see for yourself.

He is not Christian. He knows nothing about it save what he needs to use to manipulate you. He knows that if he says he is, and raises the bible that those that believe will give him an instant pass. And as a narcissist that gives him the in he needs to sway you. There are women here that I know are good and decent people that believe in him that also know what a narcissist is because they have been a victim of one. I have experienced too many people that have no scruples that use the idea they are “good Christians” as a defense. ‘I cannot possibly do wrong, Im a good Christian’. Well, I know good Christians and he is neither good nor Christian. He’s created a cult of the golden calf with him at the center and if you voice opposition he has trained people to turn on you, to banish you from their lives. As I fully expect some to do to me right now (and yet I am speaking because I value you and all we have as a country too much to keep quiet any longer). If I care about you, and I do, the person reading this, then I MUST say something.

Our economy is running on all cylinders right now. Gas prices are low and not because no one is driving (as they were when Trump was last in office), egg prices are absolutely normal as long as you arent buying 48 pack organic and trying to say thats the average family. Pay attention to how they manipulate you this way and punish them as liars. Jobs have been positive for an unusually long time, unemployment is near full employment (it never goes to 0 and is actually best around 3.6%, that would actually be bad, you have to understand what this number actually means), Inflation is near 2% target, the CHIPs act along with the Inflation Reduction act is building new factories here so we arent dependent on China for everything. Crime is at an all time low, that includes in that blue hell scape of New York (perfectly safe by the way, and yes immigrants sell tasty churros on the street, harming no one). Fentanyl doesnt come across the border on foot, families fleeing war and famine in their home countries come here to build a better life for their kids. They arent being let out of asylums just because they are here to claim it (which is legal). Dear leader doesnt seem to understand and is conflating those two words. All of this is true and yet you believe in the opposite, because they have fed you propaganda and you haven’t had the time to check for yourself. They know you won’t. Not that any of that should matter, because selling away your freedom and our democracy is wrong.

He is likely a child rapist, based on testimony by Katie Johnson, where she has witnesses that say Jeffrey Epstein, long time best friend of Trump, gave her to him to rape. As with many rapes, she was too young and powerless to fight him and now older she was in no position to fight his growing political power. You dont have to believe it to understand that I believe her and that if I believe her I cannot support him.

He has been found guilty of sexual assault. Yes, its civil, but its all that was available to prosecute him on. He has had bankruptcy after bankruptcy, including a publicly traded company that he created to buy his underwater casino properties (DJT back when he had failed caisinos in Atlantic City). He used investor money to pull money into his own pocket buying those properties at full value. In the end he was sued and the company went off of the market with investors getting something like 12 cents on the dollar. He and his family use charities to funnel money to themselves and that is why they cannot legally operate one anymore. He is a fraud and a conman of epic proportions that sees strength in dictators.

Dictators can make decisions fast, because they have no one to answer to. In some ways there is strength in that. There are no committees to find the best solution to serve the most people, just one decision to serve one person. Easy. Bullies have strength, they dont mind being mean to you and thus they can walk a crowd with impunity, it is strength, but is that the leader you want?

Like Putin right now that has invaded Ukraine to take its land to add to its own (he will take Eastern Europe back next using its power). Right now over 1000 Russians die or wounded each day. Over 700,000 dead or wounded since 2022. One third of those are deaths. Imagine being a small country fighting the behemoth of Russia. They invaded and raped girls and old women, killed them and stacked them like cord wood. Did you know that? Have you forgotten? Do you care one way or the other? And Trump admires Putin as a strong leader. We help them mostly by giving them not cash, but soon to expire weapons that are best to use killing our future enemy than having to be destroyed. We then use the money to replenish our own stockpiles, making us stronger. That perceived strength is actually a weakness as it has allowed North Korea to subjugate its entire population. If you resist they kill you and throw multiple generations of your family in camps. Putin kills his political rivals. They get thrown out of windows or in Siberian prisons to rot. That is not strength, it is evil. As a result millions will die because Putin is a dictator that gets his way regardless of the consequences.

Inflation is under control, inflation caused by coming out of a pandemic with people having money to spend but no product to buy. High demand, low supply causes prices to rise. Add in to that greedy corporations taking advantage of the perception of inflation in everything to justify raising their prices. They have grossly high record profits that suggest they didnt need to raise prices so high.

And while inflation is under control, you all know that prices dont go down once inflation goes down. Raise your hand if you would lower prices as a business person if you could get away with people continuing to buy. So yes, some prices are still high and those cereal boxes are thinner than they used to be even as they have the same price.

I have lost friends, I have lost family to this mindset and now I very well may have lost my country. Project 2025 sounds crazy. It is. Absolutely is, that they had the balls to write it all down, and then afterwards, despite having been written by Trumps own people, he claims it isnt real or he knows nothing about it. He lied. If he’s breathing he is lying.

This message is fire and forget. I hope America survives this. That is not hyperbole. HF I wish it was. I understand some of you don’t see it, and will resist this message. Some of you may think Im wrong on this but understand, as you truly believe what you believe, I do too and if I do I must say something. I know I havent been completely silent, but I have not said all of this before so openly because I feared losing access to friends and acquaintances that I wish were friends.

You have been deceived and are in a cult of personality. I cannot bring you out of it. I can say all of this knowing those that are in it might resist and unfollow me. Understand, if I believe he is a rapist I cannot follow him. If I believe he is under Putin’s thumb, likely through Epstein’s enterprise, then I cannot follow him.

If you care at this point, I will tell you what the future holds.

Trump will screw Ukraine over and let Putin take it. You will say yeah we need that money here to do such and such, and that money will never be used to do such and such. That is what he means when he says he will end the war. No, Putin wont just take one chunk. Hell take a bite and come back for more until he has it all. We either help Ukraine fight them, and they are winning against them right now, or our allies will face Russia. And Putin will take that power and add it to his own and go for Latvia and Poland next. And Trump will say they deserve it or its Russia’s land to begin with (as is Alaska btw, and Putin has already aid he wants that back).

Trump has talked of removing our forces from South Korea because they are our economic competitor (which he sees as an enemy). And North Korea will then invade and kill good people. They’ll win because they don’t care about their forces. North Korea has sold 10000 of its people to Russia to use as cannon fodder in Ukraine.

Putin takes Europe, China will take Taiwan, North Korea will take South Korea, and we will be left without allies in a world of dictators. If we fall, no one will pick us up because they will be too busy fighting to stay alive themselves. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have fallen. Trump does not value allies because he has no personal friends of his own. He’s a narcissist, he doesn’t love. But we are stronger as a nation when we have allies. I am stronger as a person when I have friends, even as I am saying things that I know will cause me to lose some.

Thank you for reading to this point. I hope to see you all on the other side of this.